Refurbishing a disused vice
An actual contribution or greenwashing?

I was taught as a child make the difference in the world start with yourself. As a maker and dreamer, it suits me to do something to improve the world. I hope others also see that something is not waste but valuable material and tools. Therefore, I share my practical solutions here. Some of the recycling and refurbishing started as a need for more resources. Refurbishing something someone else gets rid of is cheaper than buying new.
At the same time, it taught me that things made with an eye for quality last much longer. I have revived this discarded vice with penetrating oil, love, and time. Once my boots are beyond repair, I save the leather shafts. Out of that leather, using magnetic strips, I made removable protection for my vice. Thus, I can clamp fragile materials without damaging them. Utilising materials for longer saves on producing new materials and avoids waste.